
Life lessons and note to self:

Information worth sharing:

Com Mirza - I have faced thousands of challenges in life and business that were much greater than my own talent, ability, courage and belief at the time. But by remaining stubborn, creative, and persistent each challenge faced increased me, my life and my businesses in every single way imaginable. Each challenge was the greatest opportunity at that time and place to build on who i really was and what i was really made of. It was the greatest opportunity for me to learn and be taught by life itself. So i suggest if your not facing some tough challenges at the moment to go out and bite off more than you can chew. This may sound like crazy advice, and don't follow it unless your backed by an extreme faith in your ability to conquer and overcome. But if and when you do bite off more than you can chew and you manage to digest it down and stomach it, you will understand how i feel right now........No dreamer even dares to dream without a little faith in his or her ability to accomplish it somehow someway.

Com Mirza

Tech entrepreneur manage a portfolio of 20+ tech brands, venture capitalist and investor into dozens of tech, mobile, app, gaming companies, CEO lemonadeboymedia social media marketing company, CEO mirza publications, CEO howtobuildadream, Partner Allainet corp. Partner groupin.pk


Andy Rodie.

Life lessons and note to self:

Shervin Pishevar - I have a simple philosophy of life- to live it well with positive purpose. It's not just a slogan but a daily way of living that I've stumbled upon through trial and error. I do not dwell on failure nor success; I practice success and failure amensia. I distill the lessons of failure or success and move on. I enjoy both failure and success as I learn from both. They are both learnable events. I embrace struggle and pain as they are part of the path to joy. Immersive joy is a force that shields us from the daily onslaught of events that could lead to negative emotion-inducing events. Positivity denatures the bonds of negative emotions. Love, joy and happiness are sweeping movements within us. To be joyful without negative emotions is a state of blessed bliss. It is truly infectious and fundamentally changes the destiny of daily events. Much like Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle observing the experiment of life effects life by the very nature of HOW we engage and how we observe. What we control is how we calibrate our emotions- do you find yourself easily effected by events in a negative way? Do you feel anxiety bubbling up in reaction to external events not in your control? Does envy ever cloud your views of the lives of others? Does anger interrupt your daily life? If the answer is yes to these questions then it is time try to stretch beyond the patterns that bind us to negative emotions. Take the next event that makes you feel anxiety, envy or anger and try to squash those emotions with a positivity. Engage the source with a noise-canceling positive outlook. Armed with a positive outlook there is nothing we can't accomplish. It allows you to will your dreams to reality. Let me know how it goes!

Shervin is a Managing Director at Menlo Ventures, a venture capital fund with over $4 billion under management (www.menlovc.com
). Check out his website at http://www.shervin.com/


Andy Rodie